November 9

How to Deal With a Big Forehead


A big forehead can be a source of insecurity for many people. If you are unhappy with the size of your forehead, there are a few things that you can do to make it appear smaller. First, you can try to style your hair in a way that covers up your forehead.

If you have long hair, you can try wearing it down or in a side braid. If you have short hair, you can try fringe bangs or a hat. Second, you can use makeup to contour your forehead and make it appear smaller.

To do this, you will need to use a bronzer or a contour powder that is two shades darker than your skin tone.Apply the bronzer or powder along your hairline and blend it in. Third, you can try to distract from your forehead by wearing statement earrings or necklaces. Fourth, you can embrace your big forehead and rock it with confidence!

  • If you have a big forehead, you can try to hide it with your hair
  • You can also try to wear hats or headbands to help cover up your forehead
  • Another option is to try to find hairstyles that help to minimize the appearance of your forehead
  • If you are comfortable with it, you can also embrace your big forehead and just rock it!
How to Deal With a Big Forehead


How Can I Reduce My Big Forehead?

There are a few ways that you can reduce the size of your forehead. One way is to get a haircut that is shorter in the front. This will make your forehead appear smaller.

Another way is to use makeup to contour your forehead. This will create the illusion of a smaller forehead. Finally, you can also try to wear hats or headbands that cover up your forehead.

This will help to reduce the appearance of a large forehead.

Is Big Forehead Attractive?

There is no definitive answer to this question as beauty is subjective. Some people may find a big forehead to be attractive, while others may not. Some of the factors that could influence someone’s opinion on this matter include the symmetry of the face, the proportion of the forehead to the rest of the features, the hairline, and the overall facial expression.

In general, however, a big forehead is not considered to be a negative facial feature.

Why Does My Forehead Looks So Big?

There are a few reasons why your forehead might look bigger than usual. It could be due to a build-up of fluid, which can happen when you’re dehydrated or when you have a cold or sinus infection. It could also be because your hair is greasy or you have dandruff, which can make your forehead look larger than it actually is.

If you’re concerned about the size of your forehead, talk to your doctor or dermatologist.

Can You Reduce Forehead Size Naturally?

If you’re looking to reduce the size of your forehead, there are a few things you can do. First, you can try exercises that target the muscles in your forehead. These exercises won’t actually reduce the size of your forehead, but they can help to give the illusion of a smaller forehead.

You can also try hairstyles that help to minimize the appearance of your forehead. For example, you can try wearing your hair pulled back or styled in a way that covers your forehead. Finally, you can try makeup techniques that can help to make your forehead look smaller.

For example, you can try contouring or using a highlighting and shading technique. If you have a very large forehead, you may also want to consider getting cosmetic surgery to reduce its size.

How to fix big wide forehead, Make forehead smaller naturally | Shrink forehead with exercises


Most people with big foreheads feel self-conscious about their appearance and are always looking for ways to minimize the size of their forehead. There are a few things you can do to help deal with a big forehead. First, you can try hairstyles that help to minimize the appearance of a large forehead.

Second, you can use makeup to help contour your face and make your forehead look smaller. Finally, you can try to dress in a way that helps to balance out your proportions and make your forehead look less prominent.


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